As September transitions to October I’ve noticed more and more Monarch butterflies visiting the garden on the east side of the building. As you probably know, these butterflies are winding their way south towards the Yucatan Peninsula, and some have found a welcome respite in Memorial’s garden. These flowers and plants are a wonderful gift that Memorial offers to parishioners, visitors, and the many pollinators who visit throughout the growing season. Maintaining these plants is an investment in God’s Kingdom by guaranteeing the biodiversity of our little corner of Creation.
Speaking of investments, have you noticed the many readings recently in our lectionary that mention money? One would almost guess that the scholars who compile the lectionary were aware that the advent of autumn is also the start of stewardship season. This month we are asked to make our stewardship pledges for 2020. These pledges should be considered an investment, not just in Memorial United Methodist Church, but also as an investment in the Kingdom of God. During services this month you will have the opportunity to hear from fellow parishioners the value they place on tithing to the church.
Tithing financially is absolutely essential to the welfare of the church, but stewardship goes far deeper that a financial commitment. As disciples of Christ we are asked to also consider how we invest our time for the Kingdom of God, how we invest our gifts and talents for the glory of God. I am happy to say that each day I discover more and more the gifts and talents that Memorial folk possess.
Gifts such as the sewers who come each week to sew together in community, the ceramic participants who have donated bowls that should easily contribute over $2000 to deserving food pantries throughout Milwaukee, the woodworkers who are always finding new things to fix around the grounds, and the many good cooks who assist during cafes. Each gift used is an investment in God’s economy.
One particular skill set that many of us “Boomers” don’t possess is that around the area of technology. We are blessed, however, with a group of people who DO possess the requisite skills to see that Memorial is up to date on all things technological. I am happy to report that Brian Lamanczyk has agreed to chair a new Technology committee for Memorial. This is an exciting development and should be considered an essential investment in the future of our church.
May God bless you richly this month as you invest your lives for the glory of God.