Pastor Rob Odum
I am excited to serve as Pastor of Memorial United Methodist Church, and of Blessed Hope UMC in West Allis. Originally from Alabama (yes, you may hear a little southern twang from time to time as I preach), I have lived in Southeast Wisconsin since 2000. I am blessed with two wonderful daughters, Finn and Fatima.
I am a second career pastor and graduated from the United Methodist Course of Study through MTSO (Methodist Theology School in Ohio), and attended classes in the Native American Course of Study. My previous churches have included a multi-cultural urban congregation in downtown Milwaukee, and Native American Congregation.
Before entering pastoral ministry, I served as an International Partner with Habitat for Humanity and worked for extended periods in the Philippines, Armenia, Bolivia, and Paraguay. Additionally, I served as associate director of Habitat’s Global Village Work Camp program, and as associate director of Little Children of the World, a program helping street children in the Philippines.
My passions include international missions, community organizing, relationship building, and cross-cultural experiences. My sermons often include stories from my years building God’s community around the world.
I look forward to getting to know you as you visit us here at Memorial, and of discovering where you might fit into the exciting work of community building that God has called us all to become engaged in. Hope to see you this Sunday!